When running any business, who do you think the most important people are? (apart from your customers/clients)
It’s the front line. The people who answer the phones, the people who are the first point of contact in your business.
The first impression of your entire business begins with your front line staff. Your reception, support staff, payment agents, account managers, even your sales team.
It’s very important to keep your front line content in their roles, their process, day to day achievements, and job satisfaction are the difference between a reasonable customer satisfaction response and a great response.
Generally, this team is not a big fan of change, they like to settle in to their process, and focus on ensuring they are meeting their targets and achieving for the business.
“Implementing a large change into a ‘content’ system can cause large disruption and likely detriment the client experience”
So here lies the challenge – to secure the payment process a business uses and in turn secure your customer card details, it is necessary to implement a payment security system – preferably one that descopes the entire environment, to minimise the risk.
Unfortunately, implementing this type of security is a massive impact on the contact centre.
When implementing a payment security system, these individuals (agents) have to:
1) learn the new process,
2) own the process, tailoring it to their style of service
3) be comfortable that their AHT (average handling time) doesn’t increase significantly.
4) ensure the new process doesn’t affect the relationship building that the agent achieves during the interaction.
What if the process remained the same?
What if the payment screen remained the same?
Using a Screen-proxying solution allows the current agent process to remain the same – this saves time when it comes to retraining, and re-educating the contact centre team when it comes to new applications.
Simply direct the inbound telephone call over a PCI protected payment providers cloud telephone platform before it reaches the contact centre, ensuring your call is secure and descoped.
Once the call is secure, using the screen-proxying solution (eg: Change https://paymentscreen.worldpay.com
Note the inclusion of the providers domain on the end of the link. This ensures that the information being requested from the PSP goes VIA the PCI provider.
This means that the customer can enter their personal details as DTMF down the line for their payments, but the DTMF is suppressed in the cloud, and represented on the agents screen as ***************.
Clever huh? This means a DRASTICALLY reduced impact on change in the current environment, as the agent basically gets to keep their current page (albeit with some tiny changes) and can now accept DTMF entered payments on to their screen, with the added bonus of being COMPLETELY de-scoped from PCI DSS.
Can you think of any other impacts this might lessen?
Have you been using this tech before?
Are you an agent who could benefit from this type of setup?