Day by day, we are seeing more and more articles related to GDPR and the impact on a business if you get hacked. One of the biggest issues, I feel, is that no matter how many precautions you put in place to secure your business from hacking, there will always be new vulnerabilities, and the…
Category: GDPR

I’m having a party on the 25th May 2018, and you are all invited.
Does anyone know what is special about that date? Is it my birthday? No. Is it my wedding anniversary? Also no. In my opinion, this date is has a far greater significance than either of those dates (plus, I’m not married, yet!) This date has significance because it is the launch date for the single…

“Hello, I’d like every single piece of information you hold on me to be deleted please!”
A simple (I hope) explanation of the new GDPR ‘right to erasure’ being enforced on the 25th May 2018. The phone call/email every company dreads. It’s a client/customer contacting us to ask us for all of their information to be deleted forever. At the moment, that important client database is the hub of my business,…

They tried to charge me £216 ($296) for my data!
It’s true. A company (who shall remain nameless) tried to charge me £216 ($296) to access the data they held about me on their systems. I was moving house not too long ago, and as part of the long and tedious process, all documentation about every aspect of the property is required by your buyers solicitors…