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Category: Security
Email Scam 2
Cpt. Mohika Moore <> To:Recipients Thu 06/07/2023 00:18 Greetings My name is Cpt. Mohika Moore, a member of the Ukraine Army based in Ukraine.I am writing to you for a partnership relation with you if you are willing to show me your honesty and trust to handle this for me.Just a few days ago I discovered…
Is your business taking payment card data security seriously?
A business wouldn’t be a business if at some point along the line it wasn’t taking a payment for it’s goods and services provided. The problem however, is that when a customer pays for said goods and services, in order to make the service fast and seamless, often, their payment card data is retained by…
Payment Security from an Agent Perspective. The big CHANGE debate.
When running any business, who do you think the most important people are? (apart from your customers/clients) It’s the front line. The people who answer the phones, the people who are the first point of contact in your business. The first impression of your entire business begins with your front line staff. Your reception, support…
AHT. Is your Contact Centre a Race Car or is it being shown the blue flag?
This weekends Formula 1 race in Barcelona showed that it’s not always the fastest car that wins the race, it’s the most consistent. Agent Handling time. AHT. It’s the words heard most often when talking to prospects about introducing new technology into their contact centre. The average agent handling time calculation is based on the…
£17 million fine for being hacked (or 4% of turnover)
Day by day, we are seeing more and more articles related to GDPR and the impact on a business if you get hacked. One of the biggest issues, I feel, is that no matter how many precautions you put in place to secure your business from hacking, there will always be new vulnerabilities, and the…
I’m having a party on the 25th May 2018, and you are all invited.
Does anyone know what is special about that date? Is it my birthday? No. Is it my wedding anniversary? Also no. In my opinion, this date is has a far greater significance than either of those dates (plus, I’m not married, yet!) This date has significance because it is the launch date for the single…
Digital Investigations. The easy way.
For those of you who know me, you will know that I try to integrate technology with most aspects of my life. From the health and steps tracker on my wrist, to the use of mobile devices, in-vehicle GPS, Google Home, and the various array of Raspberry Pi based hardware in my home. I consider myself…
Drone attacks. How can we fight back?
When writing on any subject, I like my articles to be read and understood by all, including professionals, and those who merely have a passing interest. This is why I’m going to try to drill down in this article to try and show the technology in its simplest terms, but also include some of the…
Hello? This is Microsoft calling……or is it a SCAM?
I’m fed up. Time and time again hearing about innocent people falling for scams which cost them thousands of pounds and a lot of emotional distress. These online scams are designed to prey on the young and the old although with far greater success on the elderly, mainly due to their lack of knowledge on…